Friday, September 27, 2013

Take us out to the Ball Game!

Boy! What a Great Game! Tonight was the deciding night for the Saint Louis Cardinals, whether they made it to the post season playoffs, and Did they Make it!  We Won 7 to nothing against the Chicago Cubs!

It was a beautiful day, and we had good seats too.  Mom Caleb and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it
we had peanuts, hot dogs, and fruit snacks, and Caleb got to do his "wave", he counted and said it went around the stadium at least 5 times. 


Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Picnic in the Park

Hey there it's been a while! Haven't had much to write about till now.
Today was a blast! aside from the fact that I've got a broken foot, but that's another story I won't go into.  Anyway's! we went on a picnic with 2 families from our church and between the 3 of us we put together a great meal, played many games of catch, played on the playground, and had a game of Dutch Blitz all the way up till we could no longer see the cards.  I'm looking forward to future get together's!

Pictures Coming soon! have to go to bed so I can make it to church in the morning ; )

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Lone Ranger

Dad and I went to the movies, to see the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp, even though reviews weren't good.
Overall I thought it was a fun movie!  An action packed, shoot em' up and Depp's antics, which was what made the film so entertaining. Dad and I had a great time.

Friday, July 19, 2013

LOTR and Lego's Entry #1

  I love Lego's and I love Lord of the Rings, so when I saw this LOTR Lego set at Target today, I had to pick it up .

 Not sure if it was worth the money but I had fun building it